AIWG Proctoring Pilot
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The AIWG is continuing the multi-year pilot of equitable in-person proctoring practices at Stanford which started Spring Quarter 2024.

Important Documents
Stanford Proctoring Pilot: Faculty Interest Form

Courses Participating in the Proctoring Pilot
Winter 2025
- Chem 31B: Chemical Principles II
- CHEM 33: Structure and Reactivity of Carbon-Based Molecules
- Chem 141: The Chemical Principles of Life I
- CS 103: Mathematical Foundations of Computing
- DATASCI 112: Principles of Data Science
- ECON 51: Economic Analysis II
- HUMBIO 3A: Cell and Developmental Biology
- HUMBIO 3B: Health Policy Analysis and Population Health
- MATH 19: Calculus
- MATH 20: Calculus
- MATH 21: Calculus
- MATH 51: Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications
- MATH 52: Integral Calculus of Several Variables
- MATH 53: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Fourier Methods, and Modern Applications
- MATH 131P: Partial Differential Equations
- Math 215B: Differential Topology
- PHYSICS 23: Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics
- PHYSICS 41: Mechanics
- PHYSICS 41E: Mechanics, Concepts, Calculations, and Context
- PHYSICS 43: Electricity and Magnetism
- STATS 118: Probability Theory for Statistical Inference
Autumn 2024
- CHEM 31A: Chemical Principles I
- CHEM 31E: Chemical Foundations and 21st Century Problems
- CHEM 121: Understanding the Natural and Unnatural World through Chemistry
- CS 103: Mathematical Foundations of Computing
- ECON 50: Economic Analysis I
- HUMBIO 2A: Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution
- HUMBIO 2B: Culture, Evolution, and Society
- LINGUIST 1: Introduction to Linguistics
- MATH 18: Foundations for Calculus
- MATH 19: Calculus
- MATH 20: Calculus
- MATH 21: Calculus
- MATH 51: Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications
- MATH 53: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Fourier Methods, and Modern Applications
- MATH 120: Groups and Rings
- PHYSICS 21:Mechanics and Fluids
- PHYSICS 41: Mechanics
- PHYSICS 41E: Mechanics, Concepts, Calculations, and Context
- PHYSICS 45: Light and Heat
Spring 2024
- CHEM 33: Structure and Reactivity of Organic Molecules
- CS 106B: Programming Abstractions
- FRENLANG 2: First-Year French, Second Quarter
- FRENLANG 22C: Second-Year French: Cultural Emphasis, Second Quarter
- HISTORY 94B/HISTORY 194B: Japan in the Age of the Samurai
- MATH 51: Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications
- SPANLANG 3: First-Year Spanish, Third Quarter

OAE: Testing at the Centralized Testing Center (CTC)
Students approved for specific exam accommodations by the OAE will complete proctored testing at the CTC (Centralized Testing Center). Here’s what to expect on your testing day.