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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

"I wear a face coving". Amol Singh and Kimberly Heng. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /

Trees Together

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Near or far, we are all Trees Together. Student Affairs adopted the slogan Trees Together to represent our collective efforts to protect the health and safety of the Stanford community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Colorful, engaging, and easy to understand materials were developed to keep students informed of rapidly changing national, state, and local public health advisories.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


Tile image featuring a medical-style face covering overlaid onto a hill maid out of paper in shades of green with redwood style trees surrounding it with a yellow colored sky overhead.

COVID-19 Guidance for Students

This hub was created to house updates on the latest information about COVID-19 requirements and be used as a reference to help students navigate life on the Farm. The website includes information on face covering guidelines, surveillance testing, vaccinations, booster shots, isolation, student gatherings, and more. 

"I Wear a Face Covering" campagin detail.
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase I (Winter 2021)

I Wear a Face Covering

This campaign included a series of eight silhouettes representing our various Stanford communities. Students and staff assisted in this campaign by providing reasons why they wore a face covering. Posters were hung throughout residential communities, dining commons, and recreation facilities across campus.

Trees Together graphic. Credit: Angelina Suh
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase I (Winter 2021)

Near or Far, We’re All Trees Together

The slogan, “Near or Far, We’re All Trees Together” was promoted on these banners and stickers to emphasize the collective effort needed by the entire Stanford community in order to combat COVID-19 and keep our campus safe. The banners were displayed throughout campus and most notably in Tresidder Memorial Union and Old Union. Stickers were distributed to students in residential areas.

Keeping Stanford Healthy & Safe graphic detail
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase I (Winter 2021)

Keeping Stanford Healthy & Safe

This infographic and poster was created to promote Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors and was displayed in residential communities, dining commons, and recreation facilities across campus. The message also reinforced Stanford’s collective effort in keeping our community healthy and safe.

"Stay Connected" graphic detail
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase I (Winter 2021)

Welcome Back to Campus

This series of postcards was developed to provide simple and clear instructions and expectations as students returned to campus in January 2021. It included information on COVID-19 guidance, instructions for COVID testing requirements, and restricted activity upon returning back to campus. A new postcard was distributed to student dorms during the first three weeks of winter quarter.

Tree illustration against a gradient background. Credit: Allison Piwowarski
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase III (Winter 2022)

COVID-19 Online Communications Toolkit

The Student Affairs Communication Team compiled COVID-19 materials to share with campus partners to offer timely and clear communications with students, student staff, and departments across campus. This hub provided Stanford colleagues with a single location to find COVID-19 information that they could use to help promote in their respective areas and refer to as questions arose.

Trees Together, Vax Together campagin detail
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase II (Summer 2021)

Trees Together, Vax Together

Building off of the silhouettes designed for Phase I of our Trees Together campaign, this series of posters was developed to promote vaccinations and new campus booster requirements. These posters were hung in student residential areas.

"Vax Up and Mask Up" graphic detail
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase II (Summer 2021)

Vax Up and Mask Up

Materials on face covering requirements for students were developed to provide clarity to Stanford’s requirements for students on campus amidst the changing national, state, and county COVID-19 public health guidance. These materials were shared on the COVID-19 Guidance for Students website and posted throughout student residential areas, and throughout dining facilities within R&DE.

Trees Together, Mask Together graphic
Promoting Healthy COVID-19 Behaviors Campaign - Phase III (Winter 2022)

Trees Together, Mask Together

This campaign sought to reinforce the use of face covering as the COVID-19 Delta variant began to spike at the start of winter quarter. Tree puns were used to remind students of face covering requirements, usage, and effectiveness, as well as reminding students to retain their connections with others and reach out support during this challenging time. These materials were posted on the COVID-19 Guidance for Students website, throughout R&DE dining facilities, and the front desk of each residential neighborhood. Banners were hung in Tresidder Memorial Union and Old Union.

Tile image featuring Ryan James OConnor during a Stanford Educational Farm (SEF) event. Photo: Andrew Brodhead