Trees Together
Near or far, we are all Trees Together. Student Affairs adopted the slogan Trees Together to represent our collective efforts to protect the health and safety of the Stanford community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Colorful, engaging, and easy to understand materials were developed to keep students informed of rapidly changing national, state, and local public health advisories.

I Wear a Face Covering
This campaign included a series of eight silhouettes representing our various Stanford communities. Students and staff assisted in this campaign by providing reasons why they wore a face covering. Posters were hung throughout residential communities, dining commons, and recreation facilities across campus.

Welcome Back to Campus
This series of postcards was developed to provide simple and clear instructions and expectations as students returned to campus in January 2021. It included information on COVID-19 guidance, instructions for COVID testing requirements, and restricted activity upon returning back to campus. A new postcard was distributed to student dorms during the first three weeks of winter quarter.

Vax Up and Mask Up
Materials on face covering requirements for students were developed to provide clarity to Stanford’s requirements for students on campus amidst the changing national, state, and county COVID-19 public health guidance. These materials were shared on the COVID-19 Guidance for Students website and posted throughout student residential areas, and throughout dining facilities within R&DE.
#TuesdayTips Social Media Campaign
In order to expand our reach of public health preventive measures to keep students safe and healthy, reinforce student expectations while residing on campus, and offer support and connection to students during this time, we developed social media postings with graphically pleasing and informative messages which were shared by campus partners through their Instagram handles.
#TuesdayTips social media postings included up-to-date COVID-19 information such as public health measures to keep Stanford healthy and safe, what to do if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, testing cadence and expectations, vaccination requirements, information on approved gatherings, etc. A sample of our #TuesdayTips social media postings are highlighted below.