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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

In the Spotlight: Effectively Coping with Anxiety

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Between managing deadlines at school or work, finding time for your relationships, planning for the future, and staying up-to-date on current worldwide events, it is no wonder that many of us may be feeling anxious. Know that you are not alone in these feelings and there are ways to better manage the anxiety that they may produce.


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Questions You May Have

Why do these anxious feelings come up? 

It is natural to experience feelings of stress and worry– maybe you’re stressed about a big presentation or job interview, or maybe you’re worried about not being able to fit in. While uncomfortable, these feelings are often manageable and pass as circumstances change. 

When you find yourself exposed to stressors on an ongoing basis, and without the proper awareness, skills, and support, this worry and stress can eventually develop into anxiety. In addition, habits that include skipping meals, all-nighters, frequent media exposure, procrastination, and overcommitment can create or increase anxiety.

When to get support?

It is common to experience short-term anxiety related to specific actions, such as public speaking or test taking, or during major life events, including relationship changes and transitions. These situations can trigger symptoms– changes in appetite, sleep, or concentration– that make it difficult to function. However, the symptoms are tied to a specific action or issue, and the anxiety state usually has an end. 

If you find yourself constantly in persistent fear or an underlying sense that something could go wrong at any moment, you may be experiencing chronic anxiety. Chronic anxiety can cause ongoing discomfort and negatively impact work, sleep, nutrition, relationships, and other aspects of our lives. 

The good news is that whether short-term or chronic, anxiety can be effectively treated and managed. Many individuals suffer from anxiety that can resume their day-to-day life, but in a way that feels safe and comfortable to them. The important thing is being able to identify your triggers and what support you need to manage them. 

The Anxiety Toolbox Workshop

The Anxiety Toolbox Workshop, hosted by CAPS, is a great resource to learn ways to manage anxious thoughts and feelings so that you can begin taking control of your anxious thoughts versus them taking control of you. In this 2-part workshop, participants will learn about what anxiety is and how to manage it more effectively. 

  • Part 1: Participants will learn about the stress response system and how it impacts body, mood, cognition, and behavior. 
  • Part 2: Participants will learn a variety of skills and strategies to help manage symptoms of anxiety. 
    • CAPS also offers a Review Session for practice and support, for any students who have completed Part 1 and 2 of the workshop.

Multiple dates and times are available to attend this two part, 1-hour each virtual workshop. Find the date/time that works best for you! To sign up, call CAPS at 650.723.3785 or let your current CAPS provider know.

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Stanford Resources