AIWG Membership
The AIWG is comprised of diverse members from across the Stanford community.

Composition Guidance from the AIWG Charge
“The AIWG will consist of four students (two graduate and two undergraduate, from diverse backgrounds including first-gen/low-income representation) and four faculty/lecturers (especially from departments with the most frequent instances of in-person exam cheating concerns), along with one person each from the Office of Community Standards (OCS) and Office of General Counsel (OGC). Student appointments will be for one academic year with the option to apply for renewal. Membership in the AIWG is to be determined respectively by the ASSU Nominations Commission, the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, and the VPSA (for OCS and OGC). It will meet with stakeholders (student groups, departmental representatives, Academic Advising, etc.) to inform its proposals. Non-voting members may include representatives from the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Office of Accessible Education and others as identified by the Working Group. VPSA will provide resources for project management.”

Voting Members
- Jennifer Schwartz Poehlmann, Senior Lecturer, Chemistry
- Xavier Arturo Millan, Undergraduate, Computer Science

Faculty & Staff
- John Taylor, Professor, Economics
- Brian Conrad, Professor, Mathematics
- Chris Gregg, Associate Professor-Teaching, Computer Science
Office of Community Standards (OCS)
- Amir Karkia, Assistant Dean of Students, Office of Community Standards
- John Sandoval, Graduate, Master of Liberal Arts Program
- Scott Findley, Graduate, Law School
- Emily Chan, Undergraduate, Art & Art History

Non-Voting Members
Center for Learning and Teaching (CTL)
- Cassandra Volpe Horii, Associate Vice Provost for Education and Director of CTL, CTL Program Support
Office of Accessible Education (OAE)
- Crystal Hill, Assistant Vice Provost, Office of Accessible Education
- Angie Chan-Geiger, Centralized Exams Project Manager, Office of Accessible Education
Office of the General Counsel (OGC)
- Erin E Dolly, Senior University Counsel, Legal Services
VPSA Project Manager
- Deanna Graesser Ledoux, Project Manager, Dean of Students Operations