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Cmapus scenes, Students, Wilbur Field. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /

Class Year Return Project

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Connecting with your class, connecting with the campus. During the 2021-22 academic year, a series of initiatives were launched, in partnership with students, families, and alumni, to bring our campus to life for our undergraduate students. Our campus showed resilience, even with the ongoing presence of COVID and affiliated restrictions. Students and staff worked together to create events to bring life back to campus for sophomores, juniors and seniors, after 18 months away. We wrapped up the spring quarter with Neon Night at Tresidder, study breaks, and trivia. Take a look!

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.
Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Check out what each class has been doing!

Students congregate in white plaza. Credit:  Andrew Brodhead