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Student Leader Training, 2024. Credit: Chris Tuite/Ethography

Community & Belonging

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Here's where you can learn about our vibrant student communities and ways Student Affairs supports them. We also offer individualized support for students on their personal journeys through college, graduate and professional school.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Explore Community & Belonging

Cardinal Recovery

As Stanford's collegiate recovery program, we provide peer-led support for substance use and behavioral addictions.

Centers for Equity Community and Leadership

Eight Centers. One Goal. Distinct Approach. Our mission is grounded in values of justice, equity, and belonging at Stanford and beyond.

Disability Community Space

Disability is a core identity for the lives of many; it is vital that students with disabilities at Stanford have a space where they can comfortably express themselves and establish a community.

First Generation and/or Low-Income Student Success Center

The FLI Student Success Center operates on the pillars of advocacy, mentorship, community & belonging and connections to resources to provide holistic support for first generation, low-income, transfers, current/former foster youth and FLI graduate students at Stanford. 

Inclusion, Belonging and Intergroup Communication

IBIC works to build communication and understanding across difference.

Office for Military-Affiliated Communities

We assist veterans, their dependents, and ROTC cadets in successfully transitioning into and out of the Stanford community.

Office for Religious & Spiritual Life

Our mission is to guide, nurture and enhance spiritual and religious life within the Stanford University community. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey, we are here for you!

Protected Identity Harm Reporting

We envision a process that will create an environment where students who report harm feel heard and supported.

Undocumented at Stanford

 Our mission is to provide undocumented and DACAmented students with an equitable education that meets their specific needs and to continue dialogues of community between students, faculty, and staff.

Weiland Health Initiative

Our mission is to promote mental health and wellness across the spectrum of gender identities and attractions through education, training and clinical services at Stanford and beyond. 

The Well House

We want to create a substance-free undergraduate residential community and experience based on the theme of wellness. This provides an environment for students to learn and practice holistic approaches to physical, mental, and emotional health.

Community & Belonging News